Saturday, October 4, 2008

Jeff and I are sitting here staring at the blank screen of this computer. We have been talking about starting a blog for awhile now, neither sure how to or what we would blog about. So here is the day, the day we take our first step into the blog world, he also started a facebook page, so much technology in such a short time! So here we sit, I had to chuckle to myself as it reminds me of the first day we brought home our first son Grant. We walked into the house, Grant still in the car seat, and set him in the middle of the living room, both sat down, much like we are now and just stared at him. Neither really sure of what to do next! Almost 6 years later, I still sit and stare at him and wonder what to do next!! I guess we figured that out, as we have had 2 more joyful children we stare at often!!!